Caprice is a challenging bouldering route located in the Canon area. Graded as "FB6a," this route on a wall is the 34th in the Red circuit and is situated on the boulder named Astragale alongside 13 other routes. There's a variation of the route known as Caprice (assis). The topo image provides a general sense of the climbing direction for this impressive challenge.

Features: Wall
Location: verified (accuracy 1.00m)
Points: 243
Rating: 3.6
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo
6c ' 6b 33 6b 35 6a+ 6a 4 7a 6a 34 Profile Picture

generic user icon KaiserPinguin 2021-05-31
generic user icon Jobo 2023-09-23
Profile Picture fips 2023-09-23

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Astragale L'Innominata 6c+ 4 L'Astragale (direct) 6c ' L'Astragale 6b 33 La Longue Marche 6b 35 Caprice 6a 34 L'Angle de l'Astragale 6a L'Œuf de Colombe 6a 31 Le Pion Cassé 5+ 32 Rondopo 4 Satyen 4

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