"Located in the Cuisinière area, the bouldering route 'Pain Chaud' offers climbers a moderate challenge with a grading of 'FB4+'. This traverse-style problem is the 27th route of the Red circuit and is featured on the boulder named Dépravation along with three other routes. Climbers can follow the general climbing direction indicated in the topo image to navigate through this engaging route."

Features: Traverse
Location: estimated
Points: 51
Rating: 3.4
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo bleau.info
4- 33 4- ' 4+ 27 Profile Picture boolder.com

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Dépravation Poste Restante 4- ' Pain Chaud 4+ 27 L'Écho du Ventre 4- 33 Dernière Œuvre 3+ 31 Bienvenue aux Vacances 3- 34

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