Faux Départ is a moderate bouldering route located in the Cuisinière area. Graded as "FB4-", this slab-style problem is the 5th route of the Orange circuit. Situated on the boulder named Fous, Faux Départ is one of 11 routes available on this particular boulder. Climbers can refer to the topo image for guidance on the general climbing direction, making it a perfect choice for those looking for a fun and challenging bouldering experience.

Features: Slab
Location: estimated
Points: 27
Rating: 2.7
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo bleau.info
7c 6a+ 3 5 5- 4 4- 5 Profile Picture boolder.com

No ascents, yet.

Fous Le Roi des Fous 8a Un Monde de Fous 7c La Peau Lisse 6a+ 3 Mamma Mia 5 Nuit Blanche 5- 4 La Contorsion Nédélec 4+ 1 Danse à Gogo 3- 5 Petit Jeu 4 ' Faux Départ 4- 5 La Cannelurée 4- 8

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