La Cannelurée is a moderate bouldering route located in the Cuisinière area. Graded with a difficulty level of "FB4-", this route is a slab climb that is the 8th route of the Orange circuit. It is one of 11 routes on the boulder named Fous, offering climbers a variety of challenges. The topo image provides a visual guide showing the general climbing direction, making it a popular choice for those looking to enhance their skills on slab climbs.

Features: Slab
Location: estimated
Points: 27
Rating: 3
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo
3- 5 4- 8 Profile Picture

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Fous Le Roi des Fous 8a Un Monde de Fous 7c La Peau Lisse 6a+ 3 Mamma Mia 5 Nuit Blanche 5- 4 La Contorsion Nédélec 4+ 1 Danse à Gogo 3- 5 Petit Jeu 4 ' Faux Départ 4- 5 La Cannelurée 4- 8

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