La Dalle Schwartz at Cuisinière is a moderate bouldering problem graded "FB4+". This slab route is the 10th in the Red circuit and is located on the boulder named Hareng. With a total of 10 routes on the boulder, La Dalle Schwartz offers climbers a challenging yet achievable climb with its specific features and climbing style depicted on the topo image.

Features: Slab
Location: estimated
Points: 51
Rating: 3.1
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo
6a 3+ 14 4+ 10 Profile Picture

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Hareng Les Yeux pour Pleurer 7c+ Erreur Fatale 7c Le Hareng Saur 5+ 4 Perte de Contrôle 5+ ' Le Flux 5+ 5 L'Équilibriste 4+ 7 La Dalle Schwartz 4+ 10 La Redoutable 3+ 14 L'Offre 3- 10 La Redemande 3- 11

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