This famous dyno is between a very good ledge and the top of the boulder, 2 meters and 60 centimeters between the two, nothing in between. The best beta is either starting with one foot on the ledge, either stomping it later in the move. It is a very particular and specific move and it can indeed be subjectively much easier than many other 8a's, for the few having the necessary body type and skills. For the average climber, however, it is simply impossible or damn hard. Apparently, one needs to have really fast and explosive legs, good dynamic balance and very good coordination (all things that make you good at dynos in general). Height is not strictly necessary, but it can help a lot. Many good, even very strong climbers won't be able to do it, and this is the reason for the 8a grade.

Features: Dyno
Location: estimated
Points: 2,187
Rating: 4.8
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo
8a 7c 7b+ 7b 7a 6c 6a+ 8a Profile Picture

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