La Sévère is a demanding bouldering route located in the Bois Rond area. Rated as "FB5," this route features a challenging wall that climbers must navigate. It is the 31st route of the Blue circuit and is one of eleven routes on the Lucky Luke boulder. The topo image provides a visual guide for climbers, indicating the general climbing direction for tackling La Sévère.

Features: Wall
Location: estimated
Points: 117
Rating: 3.7
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo
8a 7c 7c 6a 11 5+ 10 5 31 Profile Picture

Profile Picture fips 2019-04-21

Lucky Luke Lucky Luke 7c Sensation 7c Jo Dalton 7a+ Planète Morphos 6a 11 Objectif Grand Angle 5+ 10 La Sévère 5 31 La Confiance 5- 30 Bleu d'Auvergne 4- 32 Le Gruyère 3 35 Mise en Boule 3 36 Houlà! 2+ ' Vertige Plaisant 2+ 12

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