Le Gruyère is an easy bouldering route located in the Bois Rond area. Graded as "FB3", this route features a wall with pockets, offering an enjoyable climbing experience. Positioned as the 35th route on the Orange circuit, it is one of 11 routes on the named boulder Lucky Luke. The topo image provides guidance on the overall climbing route for this problem.

Features: Wall Pockets
Location: estimated
Points: 13
Rating: 3.2
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo bleau.info

generic user icon Dom 2021-08-14 Flash attemp

Lucky Luke Lucky Luke 7c Sensation 7c Jo Dalton 7a+ Planète Morphos 6a 11 Objectif Grand Angle 5+ 10 La Sévère 5 31 La Confiance 5- 30 Bleu d'Auvergne 4- 32 Le Gruyère 3 35 Mise en Boule 3 36 Houlà! 2+ ' Vertige Plaisant 2+ 12

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