Le Vertige is a moderate bouldering route located in the area known as Bois Rond. Graded at "FB4+," this route features a challenging wall climb. It is the 6th route on the Blue circuit and one of six routes on the Pôles boulder. The topo image provides a visual guide to the general climbing direction, making it a popular choice for climbers looking to test their skills in this picturesque setting.

Features: Wall
Location: estimated
Points: 51
Rating: 3
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo bleau.info
3 ' 4+ 6 Profile Picture boolder.com

No ascents, yet.

Pôles La Dent Fer 6a+ Le Skateur 6a+ L'Attraction des Pôles 5+ 16 Le Vertige 4+ 6 La Dalle des Fougères 3 ' La Rétadalle 2+ 7 La Dalle à Grat's 2+ 20 La Niche (direct) 2+ ' La Babiole 2 22 Le Pilier de la Niche 2 21

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