La Goulotte is a challenging bouldering route located in area 91.1. With a difficulty grade of "FB6a", this route features a combination of climbing on walls and slabs. It is the 24th route of the Red circuit and is one of 10 routes on the boulder called Casque. The topo image provides a visual guide for the general climbing direction, while the related video offers inspiration and beta for tackling this hard problem.

Features: Wall Slab
Location: estimated
Points: 243
Rating: 3.3
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo
5+ 5 ' 6a 24 Profile Picture

No ascents, yet.

More videos
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video thumbnail
Casque Le Gardien de But 7c La Serpe d'Or 7b La Goulotte 6a 24 Le Jeté d'Or 6a Le Casque 5+ La Proue d'Or 5 ' Vendredi 13 4+ 21 Le Somnambule 4- 30 Le Trou d'Or 3- 32 La Vise Haut 2+ 32 Proue Dense 4- 22

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