Le Bumper is a challenging bouldering route located in area 91.1, graded with a difficulty rating of "FB5." This route features a wall climb and is designated as the 17th route of the Red circuit. Le Bumper is one of the five routes available on the boulder called Flipper. The topo image provides a visual guide for the general climbing direction of this route, while the related video offers inspiration and beta for tackling the challenge.

Alternative name: Faire un Rêve
Features: Wall
Location: estimated
Points: 117
Rating: 3.1
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo bleau.info

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Flipper Jeu Vote à Gauche 7b Le Flipper 6b ' Le Bumper 5 17 orange AD+ : 26 4- 26 Le Choix de Jacky 4 15

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