L'Incognito is a moderate bouldering route located in the area 95.2. With a difficulty grade of "FB4," this route features a Mantleshelf move. Positioned as the 6th route on the Blue circuit, L'Incognito is one of 12 routes found on the Bertrand boulder. The topo image provides a visual representation of the climbing direction, guiding climbers through the ascent. For those seeking a different challenge, a variation called L'Incognito (assis) is also available.

Features: Mantleshelf
Location: estimated
Points: 39
Rating: 2.8
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo bleau.info
7b+ 7a+ ' 7a+ '' 7a+ 6c 4 6 Profile Picture boolder.com

No ascents, yet.

Bertrand Le Bloc à Bertrand 7a+ ' Le Jeté Michaud 7a+ '' Télépathie 7a+ Crumble 6c Prise en Main 5+ ' Grand Prix 5+ 3 Le Grand Prix 5- 28 Fleur Bleue 4+ 4 L'Incognito 4 6 La Savante 4- 3

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