Version Courte is a beginner-friendly bouldering route located in the Gorge aux Châts area. Graded as "FB2," this route features a Mantleshelf move that provides a unique challenge for climbers. It is the 17th route of the Orange circuit, and one of the 12 routes on the boulder named Cyclope. Climbers can refer to the topo image for guidance on the general climbing direction of this enjoyable problem.

Features: Mantleshelf
Location: verified (accuracy 3.33m)
Points: 4
Rating: 3.3
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo
5 16 2 17 Profile Picture

Profile Picture fips 2022-04-18 Flash attemp

Cyclope Cerf-Volant 6b 17 Crabe Volant 5+ 18 Golgotogratte 5+ 15 Le Cyclope 5 16 Le Rire Jaune 4 25 La Balade du Cyclope 3+ 24 Vote Blanc 3+ 16 Version Courte 2 17

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