Le Saute-Montagnes is a challenging bouldering route located in the Sabots area, graded as "FB6a." This route is known for its Mantleshelf feature and is the first route of the Red circuit. Situated on the boulder named Auriculaire, it is one of 22 routes in the area. The climbing topo image provides guidance on the general climbing direction of the route. Additionally, there is a variation of the route called Le Saute-Montagnes (assis), offering an additional challenge to climbers.

Features: Mantleshelf
Location: verified (accuracy 0.97m)
Points: 243
Rating: 3.4
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo bleau.info
6a 2 6a 1 Profile Picture boolder.com

No ascents, yet.

Auriculaire Clé de Sol 8a Arobase 7b La Traversée du Saute-Montagnes 7a+ Le Tourniquet 7a+ ' Traction Avant 6c+ L'Auriculaire 6a 34 Le Coup de Genoux 6a 2 Le Réta du Tourniquet 6a Le Saute-Montagnes 6a 1 Le Surplomb à Coulisse 6a 3 Le Ventru 6a Le Mur du Tourniquet 5+ La Fissure du Tourniquet 5- Le Pilier du Tourniquet 5 L'Agréablement Vôtre 4 40 Le Carrousel 2 30 Attraction Arrière 6a+ Marche au Pas 3+ 31 jaune PD : 22 2+ 22

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