La Coulure is a beginner-friendly bouldering route located in the Sabots area. With a grading of "FB2," this route is characterized by a slab feature, offering a relatively straightforward climbing experience. As the 27th route of the Yellow circuit, it is situated on the boulder named Bazooka among a set of 12 routes. The topo image provides a visual guide outlining the general climbing direction for this enjoyable problem.

Features: Slab
Location: estimated
Points: 4
Rating: 2.8
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo

No ascents, yet.

Bazooka Amanite Dalloïde 7a '' Bazooka-Jo 6c ' Épilithe 6b Le Coupe Fin 6b Passage à l'Acte 5+ 20 Mine de Rien 5 21 Pierre de Taille 5- 27 Le Nez 4- 22 Coule Douce 3+ 28 Grand Large 3 21 La Coulure 2 27

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