Mine de Rien is a challenging bouldering route located in the Sabots area. Graded as "FB5", this problem features a wall with small crimps that present a formidable challenge for climbers. This route is the 21st in the Red circuit and is situated on the boulder named Bazooka, among its 12 distinct routes. The route's topo image provides a visual guide for climbers, showcasing the general climbing direction to conquer the demanding Mine de Rien.

Features: Wall Crimps
Location: estimated
Points: 117
Rating: 3.2
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo bleau.info
6b 4- 22 5 21 Profile Picture boolder.com

No ascents, yet.

Bazooka Amanite Dalloïde 7a '' Bazooka-Jo 6c ' Épilithe 6b Le Coupe Fin 6b Passage à l'Acte 5+ 20 Mine de Rien 5 21 Pierre de Taille 5- 27 Le Nez 4- 22 Coule Douce 3+ 28 Grand Large 3 21 La Coulure 2 27

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