Coup de Rein is a challenging bouldering route situated in the Fin area. This route is graded with a difficulty level of "FB5+" and features a combination of wall climbing and mantleshelf techniques. It is the 34th route within the Red circuit and is located on the boulder named Guerre, among a total of 5 routes. The topo image provides climbers with a clear visual guide depicting the general climbing direction for tackling this demanding problem.

Features: Wall Mantleshelf
Location: estimated
Points: 152
Rating: 3.5
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo
8a+ 7c 7a+ 7a 5+ 34 Profile Picture

No ascents, yet.

Guerre Les Zinzins de l'Espace 8a+ NoNameYet 7c Guerre et Paix 7a Coup de Rein 5+ 34 La Fissure Jaune 4

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