La Parfumerie is a relatively easy bouldering problem located in the Potala area, graded as "FB3+". This route is situated on a wall and is the 23rd route of the Blue circuit. It is one of 14 routes on the boulder known as Klem. The topo image provides climbers with a visual guide for the general climbing direction of La Parfumerie, making it a great option for those looking to enjoy some moderate bouldering in the area.

Features: Wall
Location: verified (accuracy 3.33m)
Points: 17
Rating: 3
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo
5 30 3+ 23 Profile Picture

generic user icon Josina 2022-05-26 Flash attemp
generic user icon Dom 2022-05-26
generic user icon Jobo 2022-05-26 Flash attemp

Klem Vertige Oblige 7b+ La Traversée de l'Australie 7a L'Esquisse 6b ' Face Cachée 6a+ Le Miroir Brisé 6a+ 31 Rapprochement 6a+ Guantanamera 5+ L'Ogre 5+ 28 Le Miroir 5+ 32 Miroir sans Tain 5+ Désintéressement 5 La Dure à Cuire 5 30 Le Mur Orange 5 29 La Parfumerie 3+ 23 Le Klem 3+ 23 Le Miroir 2+ 13 La Traversée de l'Australie (retour) 6c

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