Le Klem is a beginner-friendly bouldering route located in the Potala area. With a difficulty grade of "FB3+," this route features a wall climb that is part of the Orange circuit. Positioned as the 23rd route in the circuit, Le Klem is one of 14 routes on the boulder named Klem. The topo image provides a guide for climbers, outlining the general climbing direction for this engaging and accessible problem. Whether you're a novice or looking for a fun challenge, Le Klem offers an enjoyable bouldering experience amidst the scenic Potala setting.

Features: Wall
Location: verified (accuracy 3.33m)
Points: 17
Rating: 2.9
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo bleau.info
5+ 5+ 28 5 29 3+ 23 Profile Picture boolder.com

generic user icon KaiserPinguin 2021-08-30 Flash attemp
generic user icon Josina 2022-05-26 Flash attemp
generic user icon Dom 2022-05-26 Flash attemp
Profile Picture fips 2022-05-26 Flash attemp
generic user icon Jobo 2022-05-26 Flash attemp

More videos
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Video thumbnail
Klem Vertige Oblige 7b+ La Traversée de l'Australie 7a L'Esquisse 6b ' Face Cachée 6a+ Le Miroir Brisé 6a+ 31 Rapprochement 6a+ Guantanamera 5+ L'Ogre 5+ 28 Le Miroir 5+ 32 Miroir sans Tain 5+ Désintéressement 5 La Dure à Cuire 5 30 Le Mur Orange 5 29 La Parfumerie 3+ 23 Le Klem 3+ 23 Le Miroir 2+ 13 La Traversée de l'Australie (retour) 6c

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