La Tranquille is a moderate bouldering route located in the scenic area of Bois Rond. Graded at "FB4", this route features a challenging Wall climb. As the 23rd route of the Blue circuit, it is situated on the boulder named Fleuve alongside three other routes. The topo image provides climbers with a glimpse of the general climbing direction, making it an exciting choice for boulderers looking for a fun and moderately challenging ascent.

Features: Wall
Location: verified (accuracy 3.00m)
Points: 39
Rating: 3.3
Height: unknown
More info: Bleau Info Logo

generic user icon Jobo 2024-10-05
generic user icon Josina 2024-10-06

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Fleuve Vraie Grandeur 6b+ Le Long Fleuve Tranquille 6a 37 Le Fleuve Court 5+ La Tranquille 4 23 Passage à Gué 2+ 3

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